CreateEngine SYS1000 (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 11 SEP 2012 04:14:06AM Jon Brewster wrote:
I've got a .net application that creates an Engine using XREV.dll
I have one installation where suddenly this has started failing with a SYS1000 error when it calls CreateEngine,
It returns an error code of 3.
I've compared the dll's in the two directories and they appear to be identical, obviously something has changed in this installation but I have no idea how to find out what that is.
Also I can't find any documentation to find out what the status's returned from CreateEngine relate to.
Can anyone offer any suggestions?
At 11 SEP 2012 09:57AM Jared Bratu wrote:
OpenInsight 9.x has a native .Net interface named RevDotNet so you can access OpenInsight without having to go through the DLL calls. The .Net Package is a lot easier to work with.
Did you see this post about using CreateQueue before CreateEngine?