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At 04 MAR 2001 03:28:39PM C Mansutti wrote:

Its probably me,

but I've been playing around trying to create a word wrapping entry screen to act very much like a memo. I've tried various things but I keep getting a result like:

The quick brown fox ju

mped over the lazy dog

I've had this in creating a mv field with a "T#23"

I've tried using scribe - probably incorrectly - with the same result.

Is there a simple (or not) way of getting the word wrapping not to chop the word?



At 04 MAR 2001 05:25PM Paul Rule wrote:

Hi Claude,

I don't know of any simple way of getting the text formatting T#xx to not chop words. You'll probably have to create your own routine to do it for you. Here's some example code for a similar thing I've done.

current=A long line with no value marks etc"



for a=1 to count(current," ")+(current#"")

word=field(current," ",a)
if len(temp:word) ]=width then
	temp=word:" "
end else
	temp:=word:" "

next a


At 05 MAR 2001 07:21AM Mike Ruane wrote:


Look in the environment menus. Set Word wrap to true- although this will also turn on word wrap in the editor.

In arev 3.x the menu path is Environment-]Editor-]Word Wrap On

Hope it helps-

Mike Ruane

At 05 MAR 2001 08:10AM [url=" OnMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


Simply make the MVed field a T#23 field but then (and this is the important bit) make it a Grouped MV even though it is on it's own. Each MVed line will now wrap automaticlaly at the end - or use F3 to zoom individual lines.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 06 MAR 2001 01:46AM Curt Putnam wrote:

Spressatura's advice is spot on - as always. If an entry screen is your sole source of data, then you are done. In code, to be sure of a string that hasn't been worked over, there are several different ways - one of which is start at POS=23 and go backwards until the character is a space and then put 1 - (PosOfSpace -1) on the 1st line; reset the parse string to (PosOfSpace + 1) thru end and start over. Another way is to convert all spaces to @Fms and loop thru the array until you over 23, back up 1, convert @Fms to Space and put on a line, and do again

At 06 MAR 2001 08:22PM C Mansutti wrote:

Thanks for the advice but I'm still getting it wrong.

I have just thrown up a collector window (Arev 3.12)

If I set the Output format to T#23 and the max length to 23 and the display length to 23, this is the only field and it is grouped, I get:

A horse a horse my king

dom for a horse

If I set the max length to 30, I get:

a horse a horse my 'kindom for

a horse

with the text marked - square root(I think) kingdom bit overlapping past the end of the window.

running in F3 zoom mode gives me the same result

I've also set my environment to have wordwrap on and tried to use ctrl-w, but I get the same result

I must be doing something subtly wrong



At 07 MAR 2001 04:36AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Well the word wrap setting is needed but the max length is not. In fact in our testing it causes the behaviour you describe.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 MAR 2001 09:25AM C Mansutti wrote:

If I leave the max length blank, then there is no wordwrapping until I press the key.

Even then it still converts it to

A horse a horse my 'kingdom for a horse

which, through code I can convert the @tm to @vm

but I want it to word wrap as I am typing, very much like the full text editor, so as I press the 'd' from kingdom, the word king is removed from mv1 and inserted into mv2 then the 'dom' is appended to the end of the word king, just like any true word wrapping process. This doesn't seem to be happening. Am I expecting too much from Arev?

Thanks again for you prompt reply


At 07 MAR 2001 10:04AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Is there a reason you are using MVs as opposed to pure text? As in do you want one line of MV to be several lines of text?

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 MAR 2001 02:13PM C Mansutti wrote:

Its a space thing - and any suggestions are welcome:

I have a collector window which is used for data entry. I've more or less filled in most areas with prompts, text, lines etc.

In one prompt, some users need to enter very verbose descriptions in regards to this particular record entry. What I would like to be available is a multi line entry screen to put in all the verbose descriptions when they reach this particular prompt. I've looked at DeepZoom in the Tech Bulls at it sort goes down this path. I wanted to set T#23 due to restrictions in printing but if it has to be 80 characters (as per zoom) I'll have to live with that.

When they leave the prompt it will only display the 1st mv and if I can fit it, the 2nd mv line.

In effect I want to "Zoom" to the Editor but not on a full screen basis, a 23 Character wide, 10 line deep screen with full Ctrl-w capabilities. This is why my first thoughts were to manipulate Scribe - which is a bit more work but worth it if it gets me the result I want, however I found I was getting the same results as per the mv screen I've been discussing

I don't think this is possible but perhaps if they return to this prompt and say press a softkey they will go back into this "Special Screen" and view the details or add, edit text etc.

Am I asking too much?

I know how to manipulate text once I get to a post prompt basis, but I wanted to - in effect - emulate a very basic word processor during data entry.

I'm just surprised nobody else has been down this path before me, well at least brought it up on the forum.

Thanks guys for all your help and comments


At 07 MAR 2001 03:05PM Donald Bakke wrote:


I believe we do some very similar with our AREV mail program. The combination we have discovered to work is this:

1. Editor options must be set for Word Wrap on (either by default in the environment or for this instance using Ctrl-W)

2. Data type must be TEXT

3. Display length must be set to the maximum number of characters you want

4. Justification must be "T" (not "TN")

5. Leave the Max Length empty

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 08 MAR 2001 01:16AM Curt Putnam wrote:

Sometimes it's easier to set up a little collector to handle the text. Either call the collector with a pre-prompt or a softkey. That gives you all the display room you need and isolates the specific text handling.

At 08 MAR 2001 06:26AM C Mansutti wrote:

I knew in my Brain Dead ways I was missing something and it was Don that brought it to my attention.

I hadn't set the Data type to TEXT, I left it blank!!

Thank you fellas I can now return to my peaceful existance ;-)


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