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At 10 JAN 2001 11:50:12AM Ted Archibald wrote:

One of my clients has installed a Linux Web Server and has MySQL for use by a package called COLD FUSION. Can I use ODBC to access data in MySQL from OI? Has anyone done this? I would appreciate some quidance.

Ted Archibald - Parsec Systems

At 10 JAN 2001 04:34PM WinWin/Revelation Support wrote:


You can get a driver plus install instructions from Here

Using odbcadmin32, set up a link to the database

You will need to edit odbc.ini to add a 16-bit refernce to that odbc link.

Choose start/run from the toolbar

type ODBC.INI into the box, hit OK, it will bring up ODBC.INI

Find the section that says

  ODBC 32 bit Data Sources

copy that section and all the entries in it,

or at least the one you made for MYSQL,

then edit the copied section head to read

 ODBC Data Sources

Now you should be able to uses the connection manager to create

connections and datasets for that database, copy data to and from MYSQL

My Odbc.ini looks something like

ODBC 32 bit Data Sources

LocalServer=SQL Server (32 bit)

vote=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (32 bit)

DSN_CCNLOCAL=SQL Server (32 bit)

ODBC Data Sources

LocalServer=SQL Server (32 bit)

vote=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (32 bit)

DSN_CCNLOCAL=SQL Server (32 bit)

Hope this helps


At 17 JAN 2001 02:47PM Ted Archibald wrote:


We are 80% there with the MySQL ODBC hook up to OI.

The MySQL driver had to be installed with a parameter

"Simulate ODBC 1.0" which I assume to be 16 bit


Will keep u posted.

This is a background low priority so progress is slow.



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