MFS won't remove from systables (OpenInsight Specific)
At 04 SEP 1998 02:58:52AM Chris Blankenburg wrote:
When I attempt to remove an MFS through the SET_MFS utility in OI 3.12 running on an NT 4.0 Server with the lh service, it dissappears from Revmedia OK but is still in Systables and won't allow me to remove. I keep getting a read only message. Is that the norm and how do I clear my MFS if thats the case??
At 04 SEP 1998 09:08AM Carl Pates wrote:
Have you looked at the DBT file for your app? I'm not sure if Set_MFS updates the DBT. Check that the MFS is not referenced in there…if it is the system will put the MFS on the file regardless of whether or not it's in Revmedia.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 05 SEP 1998 09:43PM Cameron Revelation wrote:
After using Set_MFS to add/remove an MFS, you must save you database definition (to update the .dbt file).
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software
At 09 SEP 1998 05:26PM Jim Wheeler(Aldata) wrote:
I'm interested in this also, we've been having a lot of trouble with unwanted MFS coming back.
What can I use to view the DBT file ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
At 10 SEP 1998 10:23AM Carl Pates wrote:
The Arev editor will do it, otherwise you could write a quick program to OSRead the DBT file , swap the delimiters out (the DBT file is @RM delimited) and write it to a record so that you can use the System Editor (or just look in the debugger).
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 10 SEP 1998 06:08PM Jim Wheeler(Aldata) wrote:
Thanks Carl,
I can view the DBT file in the debugger but I can't decipher the meaning of the fields.
It seems there are system MFS's on all tables and indexes.
Are the ones that I add differentiated by RIGHTDEX and QUICKDEX preceeding the name ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
At 11 SEP 1998 10:22AM Carl Pates wrote:
The first section of the DBT is a list of volumes to attach. Within each volume array is a list of tables to attach on that volume.
The next section is a list of all the tables to attach, but this contains a bit more information on the table such as what MFS's to apply to it. This list of tables here should synchronise with the tables for the volumes in the first section.
The last section is a list of MFS/BFS programs to load at startup.
You shouldn't have system MFS's on every file (apart from RTP57 which is the BFS). You should have DICT_MFS in dictionary files and SI.MFS in datafiles that are indexed.
QUICKDEX and RIGHTDEX MFS's are system MFS's that sort the record keys in a file in a particular order so when you select the file you always get the keys back in order (unless you specify otherwise…). They don't have to be there unless you want them there.
More info on MFS's is available in the Revelation Knowledge Base, which is available in an on-line format from RTI's website (somewhere) or with the SYSKNOWLEDGE app on our website (see What's New in the link below)
World Leaders in all things RevSoft