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At 13 JUN 2008 04:00:01AM Barry Stevens wrote:

My AREV is not running now on vista.

It was OK last week, now just "Hour Glass" can open other windows apps during this time.

Have service pack 1 installed. AREV was OK after the install.

I have auto updates set, so dont know if something new stopping it.

Tried AREV from diffent folder copies.

Is everyone else running Vista ok with arev (3.12)

At 13 JUN 2008 05:23AM Stefano Cavaglieri wrote:


According to the announcement that RTI made in September last year, ARev is not supported on Vista. This means to me that it is not even supposed to work properly (if not at all) on a Vista workstation.


At 13 JUN 2008 08:40PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Yes it does work.

I think that because of varing Vista configuration Revelation cannot guarantee it will work in all situations.

Expanded memory being one problem, but is solvable by installing EMSMagic, especially the latest version that will grab all the expanded mory it can create(Previously you had to specify)

At 17 JUN 2008 04:58PM Lee Painton wrote:

Not the official company line, but I would definitely recommend against Vista for business use since commercial support for it is still faily weak.

If you find yourself needing to run Arev on a Vista machine, I would recommend downloading a copy of VMware Server or VMware workstation (or other hypervisor software) and setting up a virtual machine on your Vista box to run Arev.

At 18 JUN 2008 06:17AM Barry Stevens wrote:

I had other weird things happening too. 20hr shutdowns. Right click long waits. Restored registry to before last batch of Vista upgrades about 10 days ago(post Service pack 1 - when I was sure everything was perfect), ran a registry clean for good measure.

Now all is back to normal.

Now I will have to work through the upgrades 1 at a time

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