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At 28 APR 2001 05:23:09PM b cameron wrote:

I have an MDI frame that when created starts child1. I set the parameters to open this window into the topleftmost position of

the mdi workspace.

Child1 contains a listbox control that will be used hierarchally

as a menu.

When I launch subsequent child windows (namely child2 whatever it may be) I would like it to position it right next to child1 along the right border of child1 and right up to the top of the mdi worksapce.

Is there a quick way to do this and if not I believe I can give it specific posistions as the last args in the start_mdichild function but what if the size of the mdi frame has changed?

Clear as mud??? Thanks.

At 28 APR 2001 07:29PM Donald Bakke wrote:


The size and position of the MDI Frame won't matter since the position values you use are relative to the MDI client area. You should develop a routine that does the following:

1. Checks for the existance of your child/menu window

2. If it exists then get its SIZE property

3. Use the width (0 if the menu doesn't exist, otherwise its true value) as your starting y-position value

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 30 APR 2001 06:58AM James Birnie wrote:


You should start with the VISIBLE property of your child windows set to false, then reposition with SIZE property as Don said, then set the VISIBLE property back to true. This would be called during your CREATE event for these forms.

The controlname for you MDICLIENT is actually mdiformname.MDICLIENT if you want to align against it by checking its SIZE property.



At 30 APR 2001 05:35PM b cameron wrote:

Thank you gentlemen,

This was a dumb question on my part. I was drawing a blank and then almost as soon as I clicked "Submit this Topic" it occured to me and

did read the size of child 1 and added the width to 0 and fed to the Start_MDIChild x and y arguments.

Thank you.

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