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At 08 JUN 2005 09:31:10AM matt bavis wrote:

I am working with a MFS. I have a need while the MFS is being executed to determine the Table Name. Is there a way to do this that I am overlooking? Of course during the MFS I have the file HANDLE, but is there a way to translate this into the table's name such as CUSTOMERS?



At 08 JUN 2005 09:52AM wrote:

There are various methods depending upon whether the file is indexed or not. The two favourite methods which work with both file types are to add the file name into the filehandle at open time and strip it out before passing it on, putting it back on the return (or changing a copy and passing this forward) or to store the name and handle in labelled common at open time and then locate on this.

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At 08 JUN 2005 03:13PM matt bavis wrote:

I am trying to use the method you described to store the handle and filename in a common at the time of open. However, it appears the Handle value is for Revmedia, rather than the file I am opening. Am I doing something wrong?



At 08 JUN 2005 03:21PM matt bavis wrote:

Nevermind. I see it's in the Record variable, not the Handle.



At 09 JUN 2005 10:09AM German Gonzalez wrote:

Try with this in your mfs in code 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

 Pos=index(@TABLES(5), HANDLE,1)
 If Pos then
	Pos=DCOUNT(@TABLES(5)1,Pos, @FM)

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