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At 04 MAY 2001 01:32:34AM wrote:

to all,

At present, I'm going through the deployment process. The problems I'm experiencing are:

1) During the deployement process, I get an OENGINE error message. If I hit continue it will evenutally abort and then I get either:

a) an RTP 5 error message "Variable exceeds maximum lenght."

b) or an GPF error message with XFORM2.DLL.

Does anyone have a clue on this? Thanks,

Ray Chan

PS I will post this on the otherside as well. onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 04 MAY 2001 04:09AM a mcauley wrote:

Both RTP5 and XForm are compiler related so SOMETHING is getting too big for the compiler. We've noticed in other threads comments about big programs - or could it be too many indexed dictionary items on a table?

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 04 MAY 2001 11:22AM wrote:


Yes, I looked earlier at my documentation. I saw that RTP 5 deals with the Rbasic compiler. However, what does that have to do with Deployment. That is, I'm not compiling programs or is the Deployment process doing that?

You also mentioned too many indexed dictionary items on a a table{]. I don't think that I may have too many indexed items (IMHO), but is there such a limitations with regards to doing a Deployment?


Ray Chan onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 04 MAY 2001 12:15PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

This is purely a limitation of compiling the ! item - too many dictionary items and all that!

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 04 MAY 2001 01:06PM wrote:


This is purely a limitation of compiling the ! item - too many dictionary items and all that!

Okay, call me ignorant, but what do I do in the context of trying to go thru a pretend deployment? Sorry for being clueless, but…

Just FYI, I just changed the Deployment Type from "Application" to "Upgrade/Module". Now during the Database Extraction, I get the error message:

"String Space Format Error Has Been Detected."{ This may be consistent with the RTP 5.

Then I get the message:

"Abnormal Program Termination."{

Still stuck in going through Deployment. Thank goodness, I'm not really ready to install this at a client site ;-)

I guess it better to identify these demons ahead of time.

Thanks for your response.

Ray Chan onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 06 MAY 2001 12:30PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Well, without knowing exectly what you are doing, RTP5 should only get called in two situations. One is when there is no ! record in an existing index. The other is when your write a dictionary record.

I thought the system does a copy_table when moving dictionaries, but it could be doing a read/write through Basic+. If this is the case (and you can check through the RDK source, which RTI has supplied as part of the OI package) then my guess is that you have some dictionary records that are not really dictionary items. The system would really prefer that any record in a dictionary file that is not an actual dictionary item be prefixed with a %. That's how DICT.MFS knows not to compile the record.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 MAY 2001 09:36AM wrote:

Mr Sprezz:

Well, without knowing exectly what you are doing

What! You mean you can't help unless you know what I'm doing. Heck if I knew what I was doing, would I have posted this message!!

Thanks for your response. To bring you up to date, we got further along in the deployment. That is, when I was getting the RTP 5 message, and etc, I had the Deployment Type improperly checked – application versus upgrade/module ;-(

Now, we're at least able to get pass Database extraction. At the moment, we're trying to resolve another issue… etc.

Thanks for your help, onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 07 MAY 2001 10:07AM Donald Bakke wrote:

So who was that masked hero that rescued you from certain peril?

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 07 MAY 2001 12:50PM wrote:

So who was that masked hero that rescued you from certain peril?

Oh ke-mo sah bee! He who rides a fiery horse with a speed of light, a cloud of dust…

'Hi-Yo, Silver!



I assume you got my e-mail ;-) onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 07 MAY 2001 05:19PM Donald Bakke wrote:


Yes I did. Didn't you get my response? I sent you a check-out alternative to the RDK.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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