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At 11 AUG 2003 11:09:11AM Ray Chan wrote:

Is there a system table of Ascii values in OI that is accessible? I would like to incorporate this into a control on a form as an Option. That is, click button, see list of Ascii Value, Users select. If it's there, then I won't have to reinvent the wheel.


Ray Chan

P.s. Post on other side also.

At 11 AUG 2003 11:15AM Pat McNerthney wrote:

How about the ASCII_CHART popup?


At 11 AUG 2003 05:06PM Ray Chan wrote:


Thanks! That will do.

Would you also happen to know if there's a ready made table that I can use to validate against ?

Ray Chan

At 11 AUG 2003 06:03PM Ray Chan wrote:

Oh forget it.

Thanks .


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