MFS is not running (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 01 JUN 2005 02:41:19PM matt bavis wrote:
I am trying my hand at writing an MFS. MY_MFS does not seem to be running. Since I am in the early development stages of this MFS I wanted to throw a debugger in the MFS, but the debugger was not coming up. So I started questioning whether the MFS is running or not. I opened the revmedia record for my table and purposely placed the name of a MFS that does not exist on line 2. I expected to get an "Error loading program" whenever I tried to access the table. However, that doesn't even happen. It looks like I'm not installing the MFS correctly, but I don't see how I could do that wrong.
If I place an intentionally wrong program name on line 2 shouldn't I get an 'error loading program' whenever I access the file?Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks,
At 01 JUN 2005 03:08PM wrote:
The system runs off the DBT not the Revmedia unless you explicitly attach the Revmedia. You'll need to define your database (go into Database Manager and choose Database Save). Normally you'd use SET_MFS followed by the database define.
The Sprezzatura Group Web Site
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 01 JUN 2005 04:49PM matt bavis wrote:
Still not having any luck. I even started over from the beginning. I saved the database through database manager. I've also rebooted. It does seem like the system is not running it. I've even tried attaching the revemedia table, since you mentioned it uses the dbt unless the revemedia is attached.
Anything else to look at?
At 02 JUN 2005 05:10AM wrote:
If you've put the MFS in REVMEDIA then you should be able to detach the volume, then reattach it. That should cause the MFS to become active.
If you edit the SYSTABLES record for that file, is the MFS in the list?
The Sprezzatura Group Web Site
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 02 JUN 2005 11:04AM matt bavis wrote:
I detached and attached. This still did not do it. I looked at systables and it does not reference the MFS I am adding. Can I just add it manually to systables?
At 02 JUN 2005 11:56AM wrote:
SYSTABLES and SYSVOLUMES are readonly logical files.
If you attached the volumes, and the MFS is not there, then you did not put the MFS into REVMEDIA correctly.
Have you tried the SET_MFS program?
The Sprezzatura Group Web Site
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 02 JUN 2005 03:05PM matt bavis wrote:
SET_MFS worked. I'm really curious why adding it manually did not work. I was following the MFS documentation in PROGREF and it seems pretty simple. Regardless, it's working now.
Thanks for you help.
At 03 JUN 2005 04:11AM wrote:
Actually, I'm really curious to that as well, but we can work on that when you have some time to spend.
The Sprezzatura Group Web Site
World Leaders in all things RevSoft