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At 23 OCT 1998 06:55:54PM Greg James, ISIS, Inc. wrote:

When focus leaves an edit table (either by Ctrl-Enter or Tab) the row of the last active SELPOS remains blue. In the LOSTFOCUS script of the edit table I use set_property(ctrlentid,'TOPPOS',1:@fm:1) to send the cursor to the its 'home' position, but the last active SELPOS row still remains blue. It's mostly a visual distraction, particularly when a form has numerous edit tables on it.

Does anyone know of a way to get rid of these blue rows in an edit table on lost focus? (Just in case you're wondering, Vanish is not an option.)

Thanks onmouseover=window.status=email greg james;return(true)"

At 24 OCT 1998 02:56PM Oystein Reigem wrote:


TOPPOS is for scrolling the edit table.

You might want that too, of course, but use SELPOS if you want your blue line somewhere else. The same value - 1:@fm:1 works fine if you want it at the first row.

If you want to get rid of the blue line altogether, uncheck Permit Row Selection in the More department of Edit Table Properties. Then you'll get a dotted line around the selected cell instead of a blue line on the selected row.

- Oystein -

At 24 OCT 1998 03:29PM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Come to think of it - can one change the Permit Row Selection setting programmatically? I got rid of my blue lines a long time ago for the same reason as Greg, but I had two minds about it. Sometimes it really was OK with a blue line while the edit table had focus.

- Oystein -

At 24 OCT 1998 10:43PM Don Bakke wrote:

If you want to remove the selection of an edittable at any time you can use this code (I don't remember if there is a normal Basic+ way of doing it but we figured this out using the datatable equates and kept on using it):

Declare function SendMessage

Equ DTM_SELROW to 1083

hEdt=Get_Property(@Window:".EDIT_TABLE", "HANDLE")

SelPos=Get_Property(@Window:".EDIT_TABLE", "SELPOS")


Row -= 1

rv=SendMessage(hEdt, DTM_SELROW, 0, Row)

This is designed for single row selection edittables, there is a way to clear all selected rows in one call but I don't have the equate handy at the moment. If someone wants it I can respond later.

SRP Computer Solutions

At 26 OCT 1998 07:03PM Greg James, ISIS, Inc. wrote:

Oystein & Don,

Thanks for the help. Your suugestions did the trick! As always, I appreciate the help. onmouseover=window.status=email greg james;return(true)"

At 27 OCT 1998 04:30AM Oystein Reigem wrote:

Thanks, Don.

I'll try out that piece of code in a couple of weeks. (I'm making a lot of new windows now, but I'll have to get the more basic stuff settled first.)

- Oystein -

At 28 OCT 1998 09:51AM Carl Pates Sprezzatura wrote:

Hi Oystein,

You can change the permit row selection by changing the DTS_ROWSELECT bit in the Edit Tables STYLE property.

eg. to toggle this setting…


Style=Get_property( "SOME_EDITTABLE", "STYLE" )

Style=Iconv( Style3,\00\, "MX" )

If BitAnd( Style, DTS_ROWSELECT$ ) Then

Style -= DTS_ROWSELECT ; * If it's set take it off

End Else

Style += DTS_ROWSELECT$ ; * otherwise add it


Style=0x" : Oconv( Style, "MX" )

Call Set_Property( "SOME_EDITTABLE","STYLE", Style )

Sprezzatura Ltd

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 28 OCT 1998 09:51AM Carl Pates Sprezzatura wrote:

At 29 OCT 1998 05:33AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Thanks! That's the …erm… bit I needed.

Btw - sure is a lot of code to change one single bit! :-)

- Oystein -

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