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At 25 JUL 2000 04:05:27PM DCS wrote:

help! what could cause arev screen to rool up during starup,

i am using nlm 1.5

network with 15 user

nlm loaded but when i start arev, the screen rool up


thank you

At 25 JUL 2000 04:40PM Warren wrote:

Ummm, what kind of workstations?

DOS? Windows For Workgroups (DOS/W4W 3.11)?


WinNT (3.51 or 4.0)?


At 26 JUL 2000 08:42AM jeffrey wrote:

my experience in arev screen rool up is during we try to attach to

a directory. example attach to a directory in a protected diskette.

I hope my expericence can help you.

At 26 JUL 2000 11:29AM Warren wrote:

This is usually caused by a DOS or Network or TSR/Driver error message that is not trapped by ARev. Since it is not controlled by the ARev screen I/O routine such messages print at line 24 and scroll up anything above it.

At 26 JUL 2000 02:46PM dcs wrote:


workstation is w95

network server is novell

nlm 1.5

At 26 JUL 2000 03:19PM dcs wrote:

what can be done to solve this ?

without loading the nlm tsr, arev run ok



At 26 JUL 2000 03:27PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Could be many things.

What do you mean by rool up?

What settings, client and other particulars are you using?

Normally, if the ARev will not run with the TSR, it will return back to the DOS prompt, it will not wait for input. Waiting for input, like Abort,Retry,Fail usually means a locked file, usually LPT1. This should not be affected by the TSR.

The Sprezzatura Group

[/i]World leaders in all things RevSoft[/i]


At 27 JUL 2000 09:33AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

You might try the following:

Start a Full-Screen MS_DOS prompt (if window'd press ALT+ENTER)

Go to the directory where AREV resides

type LHIPXTSR/P. Make sure that the client watchdog TSR loads properly.


If AREV starts in the SYSPROG account without error check the NLM_STATS from the TCL

Next, try to do a Log-To the desired account from the Main meno or from the TCL.

If all is hunky-dory, then exit AREV back to MS-DOS

Type LHIPXTSR/U to unload the TSR and exit back to your window.

The problem will be in your shortcut's startup parameters. I assume you are starting AREV from a Batch file. You can temporarily cause the batch file to pause by editing it and putting a PAUSE statement after loading the LHIPXTSR.


Don Miller

C3 Inc.

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