Save AREV subroutine to a dos file (AREV Specific)
At 16 NOV 1999 07:49:12PM Steve wrote:
How do I save a subroutine from arev format to a dos text file?
At 16 NOV 1999 08:17PM Warren wrote:
From TCL:
COPY filename programname TO:(DOS volume:\path\filename
optional (I) switch (converts @FM to CR LF)
RECORDCOPY in ARev 3.x instead of COPY (though COPY should still work)
Note the 'DOS' filename is restricted to the 8.3 convention.
At 16 NOV 1999 11:29PM Don Bakke wrote:
I think you meant COPYROW.
At 17 NOV 1999 09:47AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
Yet another way - probably more confusing than it's worth:
Open your routine in the editor and use
CTRL+B to mark the beginning and end of what you want to copy to DOS.
Press CTRL+F3 to copy it to a buffer.
Shift +F1 - edit another
Filename: DOS
Record Name: Whatever you want in DOS 8.3 notation
CTRL+F4 to paste
Now press F6 and Convert to DOS format.
Press F9 to save. I do this when I only want to get parts of things.
In Windows, you can use Notepad with AREV and freely cut and paste from the screen into notepad, too.
Don Miller
C3 Inc.
At 17 NOV 1999 10:12AM Michael Slack wrote:
COPY and ROWCOPY are one in the same (at least for 3.12). As Warren mentioned, use the "I" option to convert Revelation format into a DOS format. If you are working with a program, you can then use any text editor to do whatever you want to it. After you've modified it you can use the COPY command from TCL to copy the code back into AREV format by using the option "R". For other options you can use, type in COPY or ROWCOPY at TCL and do an F2 on the Options prompt. So to copy a DOS formatted file into AREV you would do something like this from TCL:
COPY DOS path\filename TO:(table rowname (R
You can use this method on any row within any table of Arev. But as always you would need to be VERY, VERY carefull. For myself I've avoided twiddling with anything but source code programs in this manner and then very spareingly.
If you've copied in a source program but forgot to use the "R" option to convert it to AREV format, not to worry. You'll most likely notice it when you go to edit the program and its all on one line and has some funny characters embedded in it. While in the edit screen bring up the SoftKeys (hitting F6 is one way). Look at SF8. Notice that the discription next for SF8 changes depending on what you are editing currently, wheather it's DOS or AREV format. For example if you are in AREV format it will say something to the effect of convert to DOS format. If in DOS it will say convert to AREV format.
An added use of the TCL COPY command that I've found to be very helpfull at times is copying AREV rows to a non-DOS file without converting to a DOS format for transfer to another AREV file in another application when there is no easier transfer method. For example from time to time one of our remote sites needs an immediate program fix and we can't wait for our usal program modification file process. I make and test the changes here, copy the object code program to a diskette, connect to the remote site and get into the AREV application there. Then copy from the diskette to the AREV table there (usally overwritting the program there). So I would do something like this on the local side:
COPY table $object_code_name TO:(DOS A:\filename.TXT
Notice no options. Once I'm ready to copy to the remote sites table, I would do something like:
COPY DOS path\filename.TXT TO:(table $object_code_name (LOA
In this example your need to remember to us the "$" when writting the object code to the remote sites table. The option on this one are the ones I normmaly use but can and do change as the need requires. Please notice that the pathing on the DOS side will be different (at least it us for the method we use to connect to our remote sites).
I hope some of this is helpful.
Michael Slack
At 17 NOV 1999 10:13AM Todd Meuth wrote:
This is kinda unrelated but… I have found an easy way to print a program/record from Arev.
At TCL I issue the command EDIT DOS PRN then type or paste the text to print into the editor. Then convert to DOS format and press F9 to print the puppy.
At 17 NOV 1999 11:01AM Don Bakke wrote:
Perhaps my copy of AREV is too clean but ROWCOPY does not exist either. I am sure that you probably have this in your system and that it is just another VOC pointer to V17 but I'd be willing to bet that it is not a standard synonym for COPYROW.
At 17 NOV 1999 12:20PM - [url=]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
In ARev 3.x there is only one standard copy command, COPY_ROW.
Any other command you have was placed through an upgrade, $OLDSTUFF or other user defined things.
From TCL:
LIST VOC WITH F4 'V17'for a listing of your system's synonyms for COPY_ROW.
At 17 NOV 1999 08:11PM Warren wrote:
You can tell which of the Rev community is getting long-in-the-tooth by the number of commands they can't remember…
At 18 NOV 1999 08:46AM Don Bakke wrote:
Don't tell me I have to correct you too! COPY_ROW is an OI command, COPYROW is AREV's command.
At 18 NOV 1999 09:02AM - [url=]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
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At 19 NOV 1999 12:03PM Victor Engel wrote:
Why not job BLIST file program?