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At 05 FEB 1999 09:41:18AM Jeff Morra wrote:

I am running AREV on an NT 4.0 Server with Win95 workstations. I am running the lh service on the server. I keep running into these FS1003 & FS1009 errors followed by RTP57, the name of a data file and a key.

I believe that the RTP57 indicates that it has a key but there is no record in that file, but why do I keep getting these and how can I stop it?

At 19 FEB 1999 03:33PM - [url=]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] wrote:

FS1003: Group Format Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% Invalid frame header during read.

FS1009: File open error.

Since you appear to know the name of the file, I'd suggest running an LHVerify and fix the bad groups.

Sprezzatura, Inc.


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