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At 04 JUN 2013 12:16:02PM Roger Richardson wrote:

Is there a way to have an inet routein load a specific webpage.

I want to add and item to my cart then display a webpage I have on my site.

At 05 JUN 2013 03:48AM Roger Richardson wrote:

I figured out one way.

web := "<HTML>"

web := "<HEAD>"

web := "<TITLE>Summit Botanicals</TITLE>"

web := "<META content='Microsoft FrontPage 5.0' name=GENERATOR>"

After the add to cart then put the page to be displayed below


web := "</BODY>"

web := "</HTML>"

return web

At 05 JUN 2013 12:02PM Jared Bratu wrote:

Using this method works. Depending on the content in the page and context of the redirect you could also use JavaScript as shown here

If you write you own HTTP headers you can also set the redirect when the request is first made by the client before content is loaded. According to this article it's the preferred method.

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