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At 18 SEP 2000 12:12:56PM Peter Dunlap wrote:

One of five indexes on a file, is often (not always) returning the wrong value. The other four indexed fields work fine. The indexed field is a credit card number. The data file uses numeric ids. When a wrong value is returned, it is the id for a credit card number that is the next less in numeric value. For example; selecting for a credit card number of 1111-1111-1111-1234, would return the id of a customer's record that has a credit card of 1111-1111-1111-1211 (fictitious numbers used here, of coarse). Using the number 1111-1111-1111-1211, returns the id number of a customer who's card is 1111-1111-1111-1003 and so on. This happens often (1 out of 3 random credit cards) but not always.

The affect is consistant regardless of the index lookup method used (screen, TCL or subroutine). The AREV version is 3.12, using a Netware 5.0 server with the 5.0 NLM, accessed from Windows 98 using client 3.1.

I have rebuilt the indexed field twice. No change. So I deleted all indexed fields, deleted the index file (! preceeded). Recreated the indexes one at a time. Still, no change. LH_VERIFY reports no errors.

Could a credit card number with some sort of control value embeded cause this? Is there any tool available that can check the integratity of an index? Does anybody have any idea what I can do to resolve this?

At 18 SEP 2000 03:07PM Larry Wilson wrote:


There is a tool on the Downloads page of my website that will validate your IDs (check for control characters) and whether or not the length of the parts (in a multi-part key) is ] the length of @ID.

It will also optionally fix the file (please do a backup before doing the fix).


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