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At 21 JUL 1999 05:47:39PM Kevin Bolitho wrote:

OI Version 3.7 - I am having problems with form designer forgetting about controls. I can develop a form with saves on each test run of the form. On re-opening form designer (after closing it) I find controls have gone from the design. These are not only recently added controls. This is of cause a real hassel. Has anyone else had this problem ???

Thanks ALL

At 23 JUL 1999 02:23PM Anders Lindholt wrote:

You may run into a limit of max 117 controls on a single form !


At 01 AUG 1999 10:46PM Daniel W. wrote:

Are you talking about controls within a group box? Sometimes you have to click on the group box to see the controls within. A group box within a group box gets a little more exciting. You have to temporarily make the larger group box smaller so it is no longer "over" the smaller group box and then click on the smaller group box to see the controls therein. After you are happy with your changes, you can then change the larger group box back to how it was. In all cases, when you run the window, all the controls should be on display.

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