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At 19 APR 2002 10:30:23AM Colin Rule wrote:

I am trying to get my app into OI32, and I have many external API calls to DLLs, including KERNEL32.

I have changed the DLL declarations in SYSPROCS from KERNEL to KERNEL32 and run the DECLARE_FCNS.

When the program calls the DLL it cannot find the function call.

For example, GetSystemDirectory.

It reports that it cannot find it in KERNEL however.

I have changed this to GetSystemDirectoryA (ir giving it a new name)and this works.

It is necessary for me to rename all the commands, or is there some way to get the system to clear our all the DLL links and start again.

Or.. perhaps I am doing things in the wrong manner.

Is there a document that describes moving to 32 bit DLLs?

Help pleaseā€¦.


At 19 APR 2002 10:57AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status= Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


Revelation have provided 32 bit definitions for the DLLs that were provided in OI16. If a developer prototypes their own DLL definitions it is that developer's responsibility to prototype the corresponding Win32API definitions where it is possible to do so. (Some commands have been removed necessitating usage of alternative routines).

If you have any problems feel free to drop us a mail as we've gained a lot of experience with this moving our various utilities into 32 bit OI!

The Sprezzatura Group

[i]Celebrate CeBIT with Sprezz Local![/i]

At 19 APR 2002 11:13AM Mike Ruane wrote:


Check out for tips on changing to 32-bit dlls. The A addition to the dll name is for Ansi, as the version of OI32 you are working with is the Ansi version, not a Unicode version. We also now use the STDCALL calling convention. From the new documentation:

If you are unsure of the calling convention for a function, assume that it is STDCALL.

Hope it helps-


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