Network printing (AREV Specific)
At 06 DEC 2010 05:39:59AM Suhaimi A Mazuki wrote:
By default, my AREV 3.21 send its printout directly to the local printer attached to the PC. It going to be cumbersome to me should PC does not have a printer attached to it. I'm using UD4 for our network sitting on Window 2000. Pls help me how to make it prints directly to my network printer ?
At 06 DEC 2010 08:12AM Dave Harmacek wrote:
You didn't mention the OS of your network. Assuming Windows Server. You need to know the sharename for the network printer. Say the Server is \\server1 and the share name of the printer is "laser". And you want LPT1 to be the port of the PC.
In the Autoexec.bat for the PC place the single line:
net use lpt1 \\server1\laser /yes
This only works if the user have Administrative Rights to the local PC, or, if you go to the BIOS setup and disable the local LPT1 port.