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At 02 DEC 1997 04:25:45AM Oystein Reigem wrote:

I have a customer with one specific computer where he cannot start his OIWG. Could somebody please suggest possible reasons, because I have run out of such myself.

The customer gets the "Illegal operation" message when he tries to start OIWG. If he kills OIWG and tries again he gets "Boot up failure". The problem is on a PC with Win95. The PC is connected to an NT server. He's installed the app both on the server and locally. He's tried to run both versions. Exactly the same thing happens.

More details:

OIWG is started without any parameters, e.g, by doubleclicking on oinsight.exe in Explorer.

The default logon banner appears briefly.

The "Illegal operation" message appears.

OpenEngine and OIWG appear in the task bar.

After clicking OK for "Illegal operation", OpenEngine disappears from the task bar.

OIWG remains in the task bar, and must be removed with Ctrl-Alt-Del, etc.

Win95 release 1 (not OSR 2).

OIWG version 3.3, single user development.

Network driver is All Networks Driver

The server runs NT 3.51.

The other workstations run Win 3.11. So did the Win95 workstation until recently. On the Win 3.11 workstations the app can be run from the server without any problems.

- Oystein -

At 02 DEC 1997 01:54PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


The customer gets the "Illegal operation" message when he tries to start OIWG

What are the exact message title and text?

Cameron Purdy

At 03 DEC 1997 10:08AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Thank you very much for taking the time to look into this.



The message title is "OpenEngine". The message text is in Norwegian since we mostly run Norwegian versions of Windows around here. But it's a standard Windows message - something like "Your program has executed an illegal operation and will be terminated. If the problem continues you should contact your local software pusher down at the corner of Main and Edvard Grieg's". There is an OK (or Close?) button and a Details button. The details are "OENGINE has caused a GPF in module OENGINE.EXE at 0003:0000271E, etc". I'll supply the etc part if necessary.

I hope you're wiser now, because I'm afraid we (my customer and I) are not. He's just reformatted his harddisk and reinstalled Win95 and our app, but to no avail. The app install is a straight copy (unzip) from diskettes with OIWG 3.3 + app, and no client install, but that works well elsewhere My client's even done the same install on his home computer and his friend's computer, both running Win95, and there everything works fine.

- Oystein -

At 04 DEC 1997 06:46AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Here are the details. Jeg regner med at du forstår norsk. Det er ikke vanskeligere enn hex. :-) Good luck!

OENGINE forårsaket en generell beskyttelsesfeil i modul OENGINE.EXE ved 0003:0000271e.
EAX=00000000 CS=2407 EIP=0000271e EFLGS=00000282
EBX=0000b91e SS=23ff ESP=0000b91c EBP=8024b92a
ECX=0000facb DS=23ff ESI=00000000 FS=0000
EDX=80290000 ES=0000 EDI=0000de45 GS=0000
Byte ved CS:EIP:
26 ff 34 26 ff 74 02 26 ff 74 04 9a ae 27 07 24 
Viser stakkdump:
facbde04 0001f09e 0034de04 b9460000 240fed1a 238fde04 23ff23ff 600923ff b968de45 24070a53 b9688590 24070a9c 0d4a0134 00040000 de04303f da042367 

- Oystein -

At 10 DEC 1997 04:20PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


The failure appears to be in the MSC runtime function "localtime". That implies that there is something seriously messed up about either the machine's configuration or the install of the product, since this function supposedly cannot fail.

It may also be related to the locale settings in Windows 95. The MSC runtime library may not understand the information.

One last possibility is that the machine date/time is out of range, which usually means prior to 1970.

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software


At 12 DEC 1997 07:51AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Thanks for the reply.

I (the client) have found the reason to be a system year of 2097.

I posted something about it on the list. Perhaps I made a new topic, perhaps I gatecrashed a different, but newer thread. I should of course have followed up *this* thread, but I get the feeling that replies to old threads are missed by many (even you ).

- Oystein -

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