Starting the "User Management" window. (OpenInsight Specific)
At 29 JUN 1998 10:24:09PM Jim Wheeler wrote:
I'd like to be able to start the "User Management" window from one of my forms instead of from the database manager.
Any ideas on the where-abouts of the form executable for this window?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can be of assistance.
At 30 JUN 1998 09:22AM Carl Pates wrote:
The window you are referring to is not an OI window. It is a Dialog Box Resource coded in one of OI's supporting DLL's (OICOMMON.DLL I think), so you won't be able to use it from within OI
You can code your own however, using List_Users, Create_User, Delete_User etc etc
Sprezzatura Ltd
At 30 JUN 1998 10:59AM Jim Wheeler wrote:
Thanks for the help Carl.