AREV LH Tables in OI (OpenInsight Specific)
At 30 APR 1998 06:59:17PM David Kirch wrote:
I am trying to create a Run Time app that can work with my network AREV Tables. When I try to deploy that app it seems to only work with it's own files. Can anyone help.
At 30 APR 1998 07:27PM Jeff Blinn wrote:
I would try running the system editor from the runtime environment, and attach the ARev volume you need (run attach_table etc.), and then save the database definition using the define_database subroutine. This should save the correct database definition in the runtime environment - making the files available.
At 30 APR 1998 08:03PM Dave Pociu wrote:
You can try "tricking" the app into believing that the tables belong to it.
Attach the REVMEDIA table for the AREV volume. In there you will find the poninters to the AREV tables in the format tablename*ArevAppName
Simply copy each one of them to the new key: tablename*YourOIAppName
Then go to OI and attach "its" tables from that volume.
Hope this does the trick for you.