Unable to update Database image (FS103 .DBT Disk volume full) (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 26 JAN 2023 04:48:09AM CaRtman wrote:
Hi all,
could you please help me with this issue.
I have attached the missing tables in OI and when I try to update database image (Database > Save) The error message FS103 is show.
I have found the .DBT file and it has 90 kB, free space on drive is >100 GB and the rights are set for Everyone - Full Control.
Many thanks in advance.
At 07 FEB 2023 03:09PM Sedick Cloete wrote:
When we used to have this problem.. the easiest is to copy SYSPROG.DBT to your APP.DBT and add your files again.
Hope this helps.