Run time error=Fatal error?? (AREV Specific)
At 15 SEP 1998 10:17:45AM Elias Gonzales wrote:
Hi everyone!!
We are new working with AREV, and we are having this problem: every time when we get a run time error, like Divide by zero, they become Fatal error becouse the programs totally stops and when I use the command "G", in the debugger, to continue it tells us "Fatal error - no return allowed". In REV G this kind of run time error are not Fatal.
We appreciate any help
At 15 SEP 1998 03:07PM Andrew P McAuley wrote:
I'm afraid that AREV is less forgiving - you will have to get the code debugged. Perhaps if you post code samples we can help?
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 16 SEP 1998 07:31AM Ray Blackwell wrote:
Nothing really strange about this, just some strange logic which has determined that ANY mathematical calculation which divides by zero is an invalid istruction. (it isn't of course). I have simply programmed around the error, I wrote a small FUNCTION and whenever there is a DIVIDE required I execute the FUNCTION, which returns zero if required otherwise any other valid result. I include in the parameters the decimal positions etc. Should you wish me to send you a copy of this routine as a sample please email at the address below.
Kind regards