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At 03 MAY 2001 08:08:20PM Todd McDonough wrote:


We have an installation of OI 3.7 using 'All Networks Driver' and NT Service and are intermittantly receiving the error "ENG0805 - Run Event, Line 1, Function FFSMAIN does not existing in Dynamic Link Library RPT65'. (There are actually 3 different messages refering to different functions and DLLs', but this is the primary one).

Unfortunately, the problem is intermittant, that is, the users can perform the same job multiple times without error, and receive the error on the next occation. Interestingly, they can close the debugger and continue to work normally in the app, as long as they do not try to use the offending function again. Logging off OI and back in allows them to perform the offending function without issue numerous times, only to the the error occur again at a later time.

The users are accessing the app via a Citrix MetaFrame/Win2000 terminal server session, the OI app and data is stored on a separate Win2000 fileserver running the NT service.

As noted, the error is intermittant, and may not appear for days, but then we receive numerous instances in a single day. Other than this error, the installation performs normally.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Todd McDonough

Information Technology Manager

ADP Employer Services Ltd.

Sydney AU.

At 03 MAY 2001 10:06PM Scott, LMS wrote:

Hi Tony

Your problem has the feel of something to do with network performance, ie something that is good or bad intermittantly. I haven't tried your combination of client-server, but Citrix and win2000 have caused many posts here.

Link relevant to setting up for OI on win2000:

Link relevant to what clients work with what servers:

Ie as best I can tell the Win2000/NT service doesn't like the novell client. But I assume from what you wrote that you are using the win2000 network client? Or maybe Citrix is equivalent to a network client? (I can feel my ignorance is showing)

Link for network troubleshooting guide:

The above seems to have a lot of stuff that may be relevant to you.

Win 2000 FAQ

In particular, I have more questions, answers to which may help someone provide a solution to your problems.

Did the OI app ever work properly or has it always had these intermittant problems?

If it used to work, what has changed (about the network, including virus scanners) between when it all worked, and now that it doesn't work so well?

If it never worked, how was the install done?

Is it more likely to work at lunchtime or after 5:30pm(?) when less people are using the network? Is it more likely to break when network traffic is heaviest? How many people are trying to use the OI app at any given time? Do you get the problem when only one person is using the app?

Is the "linear hash" service on the WIN2000 server actually marked as "started"? Is it there at all?

Are you using "Revparam" files, with serveronly=1? (This may or may not be relevant to the Win2000 LH service but it certainly affects the Novell NLM performance.)

Is the Win2000 server configured as part of a "Cluster"? is the LH service installed on each member of the cluster? (I've got one customer who is on a NT cluster system and it isn't working as nicely as we'd like).

Have you checked to see if the Linear Hash service is actually being used? The way I do this is to start my application (from the client), then run system editor (you don't need dev mode to do this, you can run "dwb.exe" using a shortcut with an /AP parameter), then choose a data table eg "MYTABLE" and "edit" any record in it. Close the record without changing anything. This makes the OI system look up the path for the datatable "MYTABLE". Now open the "MYTABLE" record in the "SYSTABLES" table/file. Are there a lot of F's near the beginning of line 5? (where the dos file path should be also). If not then your linear hash service is not being used by OI and may be contributing to the problem. Be sure to close the record without changing anything.

What are the other functions and DLLs that are being reported as missing? Where are they? Where is the RTP65.DLL? (ie start looking in the OINSIGHT folder).

Does re-installing the OI Client make any difference? I suspect since RTP65.DLL has to do with the OENGINE that a OI Client install probably won't make any difference, but I hate to rule out possibilities without trying them first.

For more information you can try the site search (the little search link at the bottom of the screen), for ENG0805 or RTP65 or CITRIX. I recommend trying them one at a time.

Scott, LMS


It's always that little thing that you didn't think was relevant…

At 03 MAY 2001 11:07PM Todd McDonough wrote:


Many thanks for your prompt reply, this issue is causing us significant greif (read client complaints).

Thanks for the links, we have been through all of these previously as the problem has been with us for a couple of months.

To answer your questions;

a) The OI app has given this message since it went onto the MetaFrame environment (we noticed the problem in the first couple of days).

b) The install was done (from within a Terminal server session in /install mode) using an 'Installshield' package our developers (Tristalee) build for us. This installs both OI and our app. Note. the actual drive is a mapped drive on another server.

c) We originall thought it was load based (still some question on this as it appears more frequent under load) however, even when only 1 user is log in and the metaframe server shows 10% cpu use we have seen the problem. We have approx. 4 - 8 concurrent users on the box out of a possible 20.

d) Yes, the Linear Hash service is running, we have a revparm in each dir with ServerOnly=True. We have tested that it is working by stopping the service and receiving the appropriate Oengine FS error.

e) The setup is a single iis server (for Nfuse), a separate MetaFrame server, and a separate file/print server, not part of a cluster.

f) The other dll reported is CREVEXT.DLL. All DLL's are in the Oinsight folder.

g) A reinstall has not corrected the issue.

Some extra info, bypassing the MetaFrame server and mapping a drive directly from the workstation (w2000) to the file server (w2000) stops the error completely. (we did a test for a week on this).


At 07 MAY 2001 08:26PM Scott, LMS wrote:

Hi Todd

This must be infuriating. Unfortunately I know BA (nothing) about Citrix. Given that you say the OI App works with win2000 W/S but not the Metaframe, it does look like a problem with the Citrix products. And from what I figure you could be the pioneer combining this Metaframe with win2000 and no Novell.

I assume you have been through all the Citrix help too? I was wondering since OI is 16bit, that maybe Winframe instead of Metaframe might behave better but I have no way of checking that out or even knowing if that is a useful idea.

There was one post in here somewhere that suggested that co-locating the citrix server stuff and the OI app on the same server-computer was a good idea. Have you tried that or is that what you have?

The people that post on the site that might be helpful are

Mike Ruane (Win/Win)

Colin Rule

Don Miller

Kevin Gray

and maybe Andrew Mcauley (Sprezzatura)

A site search will probably turn up an email address and you can email them directly or this post might encourage one or two of them to make more educated guesses towards a solution for you than I can.


At 07 MAY 2001 08:47PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

You might want to look at this link..

Performance Tuuning CPU Use for 16 and 32-bit Windows Applications

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 09 MAY 2001 06:20AM Todd McDonough wrote:

Thanks for the link.

We had created entries using these settings as we used to have performance problems on an old Winframe Server. The settings are the same but the registry structure/key is different.

Having said all that, I removed the entries and found that the CPU use meant I could only have 2 users logged in. I have reinstated the entry for OINSIGHT, but left off OENGINE just to see if it may be the settings causing OENGINE not to respond in a reasonable timeframe.

Only made the change today, so no results as yet.

Thanks again.


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