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At 14 MAY 1998 03:07:28AM Michael Moran wrote:

When trying to run OpenInsight 3.4 under Windows NT 4.0 I get the following message :

"Can't run 16-bit windows program.This application is not supported by Microsoft Windows NT"

Any ideas on how to get around this ?


Michael Moran

At 14 MAY 1998 04:11PM John Duquette wrote:


Have you run the client install on this pc?

John Revelation

At 14 MAY 1998 07:50PM Michael - LMS wrote:

We had a similar problem when we installed our OI 3.4 application at a client's site.

The problem ended up being that we had inadvertently copied older versions of DLLs, supplied by OI, over the top of newer ones.

To fix the problem we had to install Microsoft's Service Pack 3, to get the newer versions back, and then we chhanged our install to not overwrite and we also pu our DLLs in the OI directory rather than the windows system directory.

At 14 MAY 1998 08:17PM Michael Moran wrote:

I will double check. Maybe not.

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