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At 09 SEP 1998 02:49:02PM Michael Slack wrote:

A few months ago I was looking thru some of the links from this page and other Revelation related sites and ran across one (I don't know which) that had some AREV screen saver programs to download. Does anyone know where I might find something like this?

The reason for this is that another programmer in our company was trying to do some screen manipulation and wasn't having any luck. I tried to help but didn't do much better. We tried to use VIDEO.RW and PRINT @(column,row) with only marginal success. So I was thinking if I could take a look at the screen saver programs that they may have some pointer in what we want to do. I think one was called Rain or Snow or something like that.

We are trying to print to different areas of the screen without it scrolling. We want to do something like a status display but go beyond the one line status bar at the bottom of the page. We wanted the display to look a certain way and not use the MSG function with UB and DB.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to manipulate a screen image?

Thank You,

Mike Slack

At 09 SEP 1998 03:43PM Steve Smith wrote:

VIDEO.RW should give you what you want.


At 09 SEP 1998 04:55PM Michael Slack wrote:

That was my thought be we couldn't get it to work even on a test bases. Can you point me in the directrion? Or do you know of a program that uses VIDEO.RW that we can look at the source code (that does something simular to what we are trying to do) to see what we are doing wrong? I don't remember seeing anything on your Web page of Arev utilities that does anything like that or am I wrong? What ever information you can provide would be a great help.


Mike Slack

At 09 SEP 1998 05:11PM Eric Emu wrote:

I have some routines that may be of interest to you coming up in the next Sprezzatura Electronic Bed-Wetter Post your email address and I'll forward a pre-release copy of the article.


At 09 SEP 1998 07:44PM Michael Slack wrote:

To Eric and Steve, thank you.

I got the E-mail with the two video routines. I've read thru it and it makes a lot of sense. I haven't had a chance to try them out yet but I have every confidence that they will work. I'll have to see about creating some AREV code to do simular things just for my own edification. Your stuff goes a long way in explaining why even our little test didn't work and how VIDEO.RW does works.

Again thank you.


At 11 SEP 1998 12:37AM Victor Engel wrote:

If you are having trouble writing to the status line area, change the value of @CRTMAXHIGH to the total number of lines of your screen (including the status bar). There is no corresponding @-variable for screen width.

At 12 SEP 1998 02:41PM Steve Smith wrote:




are the standard calls I use.


At 13 SEP 1998 03:12PM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

The 5th Series of the Advanced Revelation Developer Series has some screen savers, with source code, that you can take and modify to suit your needs.

Sprezzatura, Inc.


At 13 SEP 1998 04:42PM Victor Engel wrote:

Right, but if the status line is enabled, then @CRTHIGH will be equal to @CRTMAXHIGH - status_lines (where status_lines) is the number of lines used by the status bar (1 or 3 depending on the version).

At 14 SEP 1998 02:59AM Steve Smith wrote:

Victor - you're right (Doh!) - Guess I'll just have to wait for the next SENL to get Eric's code to do it more simply.


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