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At 16 NOV 2005 02:59:27PM Ellen Fox wrote:

I am having problems with 2 Arev databases. I have 5 the 2 I am having problems with the network administrator decided to use file compression on them. That has been removed but I wonder if damage has been done???? Is there corruption that can occur? The threads I've found say that file compression is a no-no. I need a bit more of an explaination.

At 16 NOV 2005 03:56PM Warren Auyong wrote:

I believe the main problem with file compression is the additional overhead that it places on reads and writes (the same holds true for trans-action tracking). This can slow down disk read/writes to the point where the files are at risk.

If there are no GFEs in the files (use LH_VERIFY) then the data should be ok.

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