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At 04 MAY 2004 09:33:58PM Jim Eagan wrote:

Hi, The problem - Edittable with 3 columns; col1=data filled from popup, col2=xlate of col1, col3=entered data

on click "OK" button event after data has benn entered

(to be specific col1= member#, col2=xlate member# to Member_Name,


Rec_now=Get_property(@window,"RECORD") stuff..

Returns only col1 and col2 - the data entered in col3 is missing

falls on its face

looked thru here and Works and although there are "sort of "

references in a "fuzzy" search, I can't find an answer.

PLease help.

Thank you.

At 05 MAY 2004 03:35AM Donald Bakke wrote:


See the response in the Works section.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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