Arev32 and OIPI Printing (AREV32)
At 25 OCT 2012 02:09:15PM davis young wrote:
I have recently converted an Arev 3.12 appliation to Arev 32.
In Arev, my reports were set up to run to an HP printer in a condensed font.
When I try to use OIPI in Arev32, the default font that is used in larger and causes reports to not fit as they are laid out. I would like to reduce the default font size in OIPI so I don't have to change it report to get it to fit using OIPI.
In the printer definitions in Arev32, there is a section in the printer definitions to set OIPI Fonts. Is that where I can change the font that is used and if so, how is it entered?