Mouse and Windows 2000 (AREV Specific)
At 20 FEB 2002 05:26:52PM Barry Stevens wrote:
User reports problem with not being able to use mouse in Arev on new Windows 2000 pc (old was 98). (Windowed or 'Dos Full' - well actually cant get 'FULL' screen).
Any ideas
At 20 FEB 2002 09:30PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
When in screen, click on system menu, properties, options and turn off quick edit.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 20 FEB 2002 10:49PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Thanks heaps
At 14 MAR 2002 01:00AM Scott, LMS wrote:
Hi all
I'm just adding this bit of info in here so when I forget I have a way of finding it again.
Need to make a bat file for arev
eg arev yourappname /xm4096
make a shortcut to the bat file
right click on the shortcut
select properties
then options tab
then uncheck quick edit.
Nothing's quick when the menus and mouse don't work. Before the setting was changed even my shortcut menu keys didn't work eg Alt x for exit, the only way out gracefully was F5 for TCL and off…
Bottom line: I am in the middle of testing a port for OI and AREV from win95 clients to windows 2000 workstations. To facilitate this we have also had to port away from Novell at the server end and onto a "member server" NT box. We have the new TCP/IP and Named Pipes all networks driver V2.1 and it is working beautifully and I was able to install it by following the instructions (mostly). All very straight foward on the Rev side. Just don't talk to me about drive mappings. Blech.
I will post a full set of problems and fixes that I have had along the way, when I am nearer completion. So far so good however. And the win2k W/S -] NT server combo is noticably quicker than win2K W/S -] novell. Unfortunately to contaminate this result, the NT server is a high spec server with dual processors. Am I wrong to think that OI and Arev apps wouldn't use a dual processor with NT on it?