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At 08 APR 1998 11:50:47AM Kevin Wood wrote:

We do not reccomend using file compression of volumes containing lh files.

John Revelation


Why is this? Will you explain what can occur using file compression? What problems have you seen? Am I flirting with danger? Like I said in my original post, we have not had any problems but our company develops and is not really using the application as a client database as our clients are. But again, they have had a few problems with errors and server crashed but most all have been resolved and attributed to other issues.



At 14 APR 1998 02:17PM John Duquette wrote:


The reason that File Compression is not reccomended is that Novell can consider LH files as sparse and can potentially destroy them. Additionally Novell can try to compress the files while under access which can cause problems.

I have also had a customer who had a server ABEND while performing a NCOPY on a volume that had compression enabled. The server would run out of ram while trying to uncompress files and eventually abends.

If file compression is working at your customers site I would leave it, I just do not reccomend using it on a live system.

John Revelation

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