Windows clipboard ] 64k (OpenInsight Specific)
At 08 SEP 1998 07:08:14AM wrote:
Does anybody know how to write more than 64k to the clipboard? My aim is to create a large report as an OS file, then use something to send this to the clipboard. I havent found the something yet!
Can anybody help?
At 11 SEP 1998 08:55AM Cameron Revelation wrote:
I don't know an easy way to accomplish this. Are there more details about what you need to do? Maybe there is another way besides putting the information in the clip-board.
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software
At 14 SEP 1998 03:34AM Colin Rule (CSSP) wrote:
It may be better to use OSWRITE to write chunks of data (assuming text) to a TXT file and use this instead if the clipboard.
You can write as much as you like, in say 30k chunks.
If you need simple code let me know and I will add here later.