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At 04 MAR 1999 08:23:16PM Peter Walding wrote:

I have an MDI Frame and lots of children each accessed via a Check Box "Buttons". Works real swell - except for one thing… End users!

They see all the lovely buttons and want to press them to see what is in the child window before they have typed in a key. The key has a sequence number .. so the Lost Focus event on the key happens and in turn the Read Event executes. I don't want the read event to execute - they aren't actually wanting to add a new record. They only want to look at the child windows.

Of course I can return 0 in the read event and stop it from reading, but how do I know if the user has pressed to add a new record or whether they have clicked on any one of dozens of buttons on the form.

I notice that if I choose a menu item (for example to change the automatic displaying of photos from yes to no), focus immediately returns to the key without attempting a read. If I set up a

Check box "button" to do this, the lostfocus / read events happen & we end up in the same tangle.

Any thoughts?


At 04 MAR 1999 10:23PM Don Bakke wrote:


We've had similar issues like this as well. What we did was check to see which control had focus during the READ event. If the control with focus is a one that needs to restrict the READ event then we simply return 0, otherwise it returns 1. So check to see if the focus is on your checkbox "button". If so then return 0.

SRP Computer Solutions

At 05 MAR 1999 04:52AM,[url=]Sprezzatura Ltd[/url] wrote:

Just to stick my oar in :-)

You can also check where you are losing focus to in the key prompt's LOSTFOCUS event ( focusID argument ), and if you are losing it to a button then return 0 which will stop the read event.

(This method isn't so great for multi-key windows though - it gets a little complicated :-)

Sprezzatura Ltd

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

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