AREV Books (AREV Specific)
At 31 MAR 1998 08:41:52PM Ed Arend wrote:
Being a new AREV programmer I was wondering if someone can recommend any AREV books that can augment the standard AREV documentation.
I have found a few listed at (search on Revelation) but do know how how useful they might be to me. I am getting the basics with no problem but need additional documentation on the more hidden powers of AREV.
Thanks in advance.
At 01 APR 1998 01:59PM Steve Smith wrote:
The sources of AREV documentation and extra AREV goodies are:
(a) The AREV Developer Edition "Programmer's Manual" and User's Guide
(b) The AREV knowledgebase (downloadable from Compuserve GO CIS:REVELATION)
© Technical bulletins (once published by Revelation Software)
(d) The Sprezzatura Knowledgebase (U.K.) - see and email them for details
(e) The Sprezzatura SENL (as above)
(f) The helpful folk both here and on Compuserve
(g) The utils/links on my web page
(h) The documentation which accompanies individual AREV releases.
(i) The AREV Assembler/C interface manual
Hope this helps,
At 01 APR 1998 05:48PM Michael Slack wrote:
Here are the ones I use the most in my day to day programming:
User's Guide
(I assume that these came with the system).
Advanced Revelation Developer Series Window Common Reference (This has everything for windows, it's got all the variables and arrays that a window uses or can use).
Here are the ones I use less frequently:
The Technical Bulletins (It's a big help if you can ge the list of the bulitens titles like a table of contents, other wise it may be a bit time consuming trying to find something).
Advanced Revelation Development Series - System Subroutines (lots and lots of information)
I've got in a binder some one gave to me a section from a manual on TCL (TCL is were I do a lot of my background work or how I get to the heart of some things, things that the user doesn't know about or shouldn't know about or doesn't care about but lets me in to do some of the low level stuff that needs to be done). The chapters I have are entitled "Introduction to TCL", "Features of TCL" and "TCL Command Reference". This last one is has the details of the TCL commands.
I hope this helps,
Michael Slack