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At 07 OCT 1998 04:45:02PM Sharron Hodo wrote:

Does AREV programs run on your PCs or on the Server?

If you use OI (Open Insight), do not have to re-engineer your data or change back-end?

If you use SQL Bond, do you need to store your data in linear hash data files?

At 07 OCT 1998 06:20PM Revelation wrote:


Thanks for the questions -

Q: Does AREV programs run on your PCs or on the Server?

A: It can do both. If you are running in a 'single user' environment, you may wish to put Arev on your local PC, but if you wish to have multiple people access the system, you would want to put Arev and the data on the file server; this will enable the application to be shared.

Q: If you use OI (Open Insight), do not have to re-engineer your data or change back-end?

A: No - you do not need to change your back-end and you do not need to re-engineer your data. OpenInsight supports Arev data, dictionary, and index files; In fact, if you are in Arev 3.x you can have Arev and OI access the same files at the same time! There are some naming conventions that you would want to investigate (this is well documented in the 'Extending Arev applications' white paper. I would review this material for further information. OpenInsight does provide you the ability to supplement your Arev files by providing access to Oracle, SQL Server or any other ODBC data source throught the 'DataSet' object. Implementation of the DataSet is optional, and can be use in conjunction with Arev files.

Q: If you use SQL Bond, do you need to store your data in linear hash data files?

A: I assume you mean using the SQL bond with Advanced Revelation. The SQL bond enables you to access SQL Server tables. Therefore you do not need to store your data in linear hash. You have the option to store none, one, all, or many of your files in SQL Server - It is up to you. A quick note the Arev SQL Bond is written for SQL Server 4.2 and below; If you want to integrate SQL Server with Linear Hash, I would recommend OpenInsight - as it supports the latest SQL drivers and features.

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to let me know.

Kurt Baker

978 946 7165

At 08 OCT 1998 09:52AM Sharron Hodo wrote:

Hi Kurt,

Thanks for your answers to my questions. The first question I did not phrase correctly, so let me try it again.

We have Arev 2.12 running on a Novell Network with over 300 connections daily. When End Users connect to AREV from their workstations, where is Arev running from?

A). On their workstations in memory

B). On the Novell Server where Arev resides

C). None of the above (please provide explanation)

At 08 OCT 1998 12:24PM TonyMarler (Prosolve) wrote:


1. If AREV.EXE is located on the server disk, which sounds likely, then the PC reads AREV.EXE from there and runs in its own memory space. Like most applications on Netware the file server is just a dumb disk device. This is not client/server.

Shared information such as logical record locking and user count information is handled by semaphore locks etc. on the server but the PC runs the application.

2. With regard to the SQL Bond. As Kurt mentioned, whilst this was originally designed to access data on SQL 4.2 running on OS/2 platform we have it successfully running on Windows NT 3.5/4.0 with SQL Server version 6.0 and 6.5 using Arev 3.12. Took a while to configure originally but is now very reliable.


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