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At 09 JAN 1998 01:50:08PM B Cameron wrote:

I converted an AREV 2.X application to OI 3.4.

The AREV app account name was XYZ.

The OI app was developed with the name XYZOI.

The data tables from Arev were copied into a revsoft subdirectory xyzdata and attached into oi. The company is still using the original arev app until the beta version of the OI app goes live. Therefore when it goes live we need to move the data portion only over into OI.

I was wondering what some of the "caveat's" were in this instance and also how to change the prefix on the table reference record?

Some of the tables still have the old XYZ prefix. (i.e. when doing a database add in OI) And when I APPBACKUP the app to the client

some of the forms will not open because the system thinks that the tables do not exist. (Accessing through database mgr is ok though.)

At 09 JAN 1998 02:22PM Jim Peters wrote:

I have also been trying to do almost exactly the same thing. I hope someone jumps in with some answers, I'm sure this bridge has been crossed many times before.

My thought was to simply copytable DATA.XYZ from the Arev table to the OI table. I was rather suprised that I couldn't copy tables or rows with the database manager. No real problem if thats how things are done, we did it from TCL in REVG and it worked fine. It just caught me by suprise in a Windows environment.

I think you would want to write a little procedure to do this anyway if there are more than a couple of tables involved. This is just my two cents worth. Someone who's worked with OI more may know of a better approach.

Jim Peters

Jim Peters & Associates

At 11 JAN 1998 10:32AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

You could ALIAS in the tables or you could COPY_TABLE them.

The Basic+ on-line help gives a full explanation of the COPY_TABLE function.

You could also create shadow instances in the REVMEDIA and essentially have both tables attached, even though the will be pointing to the same file.

Just make sure index references point to the correct table and volume if manipulating yourself. COPY_TABLE will do this for you.

Sprezzatura, Inc.


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