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At 15 OCT 1999 02:59:34PM Jim Jones wrote:

I have a form with a button control that I do not want the user to accidentally tab to. When the user needs to click this particular button, I want them to make a deliberate move with the mouse to click the button. Is it possible to exclude a control from the tab order?



At 15 OCT 1999 03:22PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:


You can't exclude buttons from the TAB order, but you can make them behave as you want. For Example:

On the Read Event:

SET_PROPERTY(@WINDOW:".button_name","ENABLED",0) ;* disable button

… When all your fields are filled out

SET_PROPERTY(@WINDOW:".button_name","ENABLED",1) ;* allow the button

… you may have to do a little fiddling as you go through the prompts:

On the READ event:


..then after each required prompt has been entered and validated,

@USER0+=1 ;* increment the count of successful things

if @USER0=nn (whatever the right number is) THEN

 return 1



Don Miller

C3 Inc.

You can also hide the button until you're ready to have it pushed.

Just be sure that you don't make this button the "Default" button or it may mess up this process.

At 15 OCT 1999 03:28PM Jim Jones wrote:

Thanks for your response Don.

How can I identify if the button 'click' was from the mouse or the keyboard?

Thanks again.


At 15 OCT 1999 03:56PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

You probably can't - to windows it's just an event on a button control. You might be able to trap the mouse on the create prompt and then use the WINMSG event to detect this, but I'm not sure whether this will work. We've used this technique to provide double-click on an EditLine control (which doesn't offer it), but I'm not sure whether it will work on a push button (although it should).

Don Miller

At 16 OCT 1999 10:32AM - [url=]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Don't mean to step on Don't toes, but you can remove the buttons from the tab order. The PREVIOUS and NEXT properties tell PS what the tabbing order is. You'll need to modify these values in the form's create event. Just have the last real control have a NEXT of the first control, and the first have a PREVIOUS of the last. If you skip over the buttons, they won't be in the tab order any longer.

Sprezzatura Group


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