Cut & Paste from an Edit Table (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 26 MAY 2005 03:24:35PM Jeff Miller wrote:
I have come across a problem when I upgraded OI from 4.13 to 7.1. After the upgrade the Cut and Paste keys did not work (Ctrl-X,C,V). They worked before the upgrade. I figured out that the call to program that handles the cut and paste appears to be happening. I looked at the Open Engine Log to figure this out. It appears that the text that is highlighted is not being passed to windows to be put into the clip-board. As a side note: editlines, edit boxes and other types of controls works OK. Only the edit tables are NOT.
Also I have redefined the key to go into edit mode to F4. Also the F2 key has been mapped to the options key. Other than that I think it is standard OI.
Has anyone come across this problem?
At 26 MAY 2005 08:16PM Paul Rule wrote:
I just checked.
OI 4.1.3 works OK.
OI 7.1.0 F2 then Ctrl-C works OK.
F2 then Ctrl-V doesn't work.
Damn, I like to use this a lot too.
At 26 MAY 2005 11:59PM's Don Bakke wrote:
We were never in 7.1.0 long enough to come across this issue but I just tested the accelerator keys in 7.1.1 and cut/copy/paste appears to work fine with edittables.
At 27 MAY 2005 01:11AM dsig _at_ wrote:
appears to work correctly in 7.1.1
At 27 MAY 2005 01:15AM dsig _at_ wrote:
sorry .. too quick on the submit ..
also tried 7.0.1 and 7.1 .. both of these appear to work
At 27 MAY 2005 08:02AM Warren Auyong wrote:
I know we discussed this in the Works section.
Let me point out again the normal "Microsoft" behavior in grid controls (e.g. Excel) does not require a manual toggle into the edit mode to paste (ctl-v) data. You tab to the cell, ctl-v, and in goes the clipboard data.
At 27 MAY 2005 01:41PM Jeff Miller wrote:
I am a little perplexed with the problem. I take it that the problem lies in my system alone. There is something unique to my system. There is something that is causing interference with either the copy and paste windows call or there is no information being transfered from OI to the Clipboard while in the edittable. Could there be something that needs to be defined in the event designer window. I did notice that each time I load an upgrade my events in the event designer window gets hammered.