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At 27 MAY 1999 01:54:10AM Payne wrote:

We have an application in ARev1 which has been converted to ARev3.

We use RecordCopy/CopyRow to copy dictionary items from an upgrade disc into each system. Eg:

  recordcopy dict.customer_new to: dict.customer

It works within ARev1 and data fields copy into ARev3.

However, symbolic fields will not copy into the ARev3 files.

Is there any simple way to over-come this? Not being able to distribute dictioniary items is very frustrating.

At 27 MAY 1999 05:29AM Steve Smith wrote:

If I recall there was a process that came with AREV

2.x utility disks (which may be found elsewhere on

this site) to convert the dictionaries. Check the demos

and downloads section at left.


At 27 MAY 1999 04:15PM Payne wrote:

Thanks Steve,

But our problem is that we are currently doing the development in ARev and wish to copy the changes to ARev3 users.

Everything transfers correct using copyrow except symbolic dictionary items which either dont copy or copy as blank records.

At 27 MAY 1999 04:54PM Steve Smith wrote:

The dictionary formats are different - you're going

to have to at least transpose the formula, format and

length and name fields to their correct record

locations, then resave the records so that dict.mfs

can invoke the dictionary compiler.

The code I suggested may be a help, if it's still there.

An upgrade to 3.12 for Devt would be easier all round.


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