Collector windows, MV prompts, and F2 subroutines (AREV Specific)
At 15 MAR 2005 11:26:46AM Matt Sorrell wrote:
So, I have a collector window with one field that is multi-valued.
This field allows users to enter key values from a table. In case they forget exactly which fields they want, they can press F2 and use a multi-select popup.
This works well if they either don't use F2 at all or if they hit F2 and make all of their selections from the popup.
However, if they type in several values first and then press F2, the results returned from the subroutine completely overwrite any existing data in the field.
It is most likely a coding error in my subroutine, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I convert @FM to @VM in the data returned from the popup and then stuff the array into @ANS. Do I need to be stuffing it into @ANS instead? Will this correctly handle multiple values returned?
I have already tried calling my options subroutine with 'S:' instead of just 'S', but that stuffs everything into the current MV level and actually displays the @VM mnemonic. Looks very weird.
I'm sure this is a stupid error, but I'm just not seeing it right now.
At 15 MAR 2005 11:36AM Simon G Wilmot wrote:
Unless I'm being stupid as well, if you are calling it from a subroutine, surely ..
Do popup …
WC_Is%=Existing : @vm : @Ans
At 15 MAR 2005 11:38AM Matt Sorrell wrote:
Like I said, my brain ain't working properly this morning.
That would absolutely handle it.