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At 18 SEP 1999 02:28:40PM Warren wrote:

I was just fooling around with this a bit last night.

ARev 2.12 no network driver on NT Server 4.0 SP3, basic 'PIF' settings: 640KB conventional, 512KB environment, 4MB EMS, XMS None, Use HMA, DPMI AUTO, allow background, idle sensitivity 50% (default).

- %CPU overall would stay near 100% while ARev running - NTVDM (ARev) %CPU between 100% and 97%

1) Took Steve Smith's YIELD() subroutine and put it in an infinite loop. %CPU of NTVDM dropped to near zero.

2) Put YIELD() in a wrapper around INPUT.CHAR (copied verbs $INPUT.CHAR to $INPUT.CH (code below): little change NTVDM %CPU might drop to 95%

subroutine input.char(p1)

declare subroutine,yield




3) Set the 'PIF' Idle Sensitivity slider all the way to 'HIGH': Overall %CPU dropped to around 30-35%, NTVDM around the same. No noticable difference with or without YIELD() in INPUT.CHAR. Benchmarks of typical ARev processes shows no difference in performance with IS set to 'high'

Conclusion: Set Idle Sensitivity to High to lower CPU utilization of ARev on NT Server (server in this case is optimized to run applications, not as a file server (development testbed)).

Since I don't have NT WS installed at home I have no idea if these settings affect CPU utilization in the same manner on NT WS.

At 18 SEP 1999 04:37PM Steve Smith wrote:


The CPU utilization and sensitivity to yield() seems to be also dependent on whether you run in a window or full screen (25 x 80).


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