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At 06 APR 1998 07:20:50PM Timothy Mead wrote:

Does anyone know of a utility which can be used to determine which day of the week a date falls on. I am using revelation 3.1. Please E-mail me at with suggestions.

At 06 APR 1998 07:37PM Bill Titus wrote:

You can convert MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYyY dates to day of the week by first converting to internal format using RBasic as follows:



INTERNAL_DATE$=ICONV(INPUT_DATE$,"D") ; * you provide means of inputing date through MSG or passed parameters


* return date_name$ to calling program or MSG output

Hope this helps!

At 07 APR 1998 10:12AM John Duquette wrote:

There is a www page here that explains the formula to calculate what day (sun…sat) a given date has/will fall on.

John Revelation

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