AREV 3.12 and Windows NT 4.0 Workstation (AREV Specific)
At 19 JAN 1998 05:10:21PM John McKain wrote:
I am running AREV v3.12, Novell v4.1, and NT v4.0 workstation with the latest Client32 for NT. When I attempt to launch AREV while in NT, I get a window that resembles a DOS session and then a thin blue line appears at the top of the DOS window. The machine hangs at that point. I read through the FAQ's in the knowledge base and didn't find any resolution to this. If I want to run AREV and NT workstation, is the NLM or Performance pack required? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
At 19 JAN 1998 07:06PM John Duquette wrote:
Yes you would need the NLM if you want to run this off of Novell. You also should edit the config.nt to have more files for dos sessions (100+ would be a good idea)
John Revelation