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At 17 JUN 1998 03:01:03PM John Adams wrote:

I am trying to set a page tab using Alt-H, but the screen does not page properly. It will page down but immediately jumps back up. Has anyone seen this problem and come up with a solution?

Thanks in advance.

At 17 JUN 1998 03:28PM Jeff Blinn wrote:

We use the Alt-H quite a bit - and I haven't noticed this. Are you sure you're doing it correctly? Get the screen the way you want to see it, have the first prompt for the page you're looking at selected (F4) and then press Alt-H. If a prompt on the first page is selected when you hit Alt-H - it might cause this type of behavior.

At 18 JUN 1998 02:04PM Bob Carten wrote:

I recently had something like this.

It turned out that I had hidden labels on the screen.

I to unhide the labels, move them directly on top of the data field, then hide them.

Hope this Helps

Bob Carten, WinWin Solutions, Inc.

At 27 JUN 1998 03:38PM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

This will happen if the first control in the page is a protected, symbolic or other non-landable field. The processor will issue another page-up or page-down until it comes to a spot it can land on.

Sprezzatura, Inc.


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