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At 17 OCT 2004 02:36:28PM Jim Dierking wrote:

Reviewing the Online Discussion it is difficult to obtain current information on what is working for AREV/OI with regards to NLM's/UD's Netware Clients, Netware OS, Server/Workstation hardware,

Workstation software etc.

Given the importance of this information to AREV/OI users in continually improving performance and productivity, it might be worth considering creating a report every six months on what's working and what's not. This would also probably end up saving Revelation Technologies in redundantly answering these questions.

Another idea is to poll users to see what they are using, by allowing them to input data into a web form. This could then be accessed on the web….

If this information is already available please let me know where I can find it.

TIA, Jim

At 18 OCT 2004 02:49PM Kevin Revelation Software wrote:


The discussion is usually pretty good to find out the answers you are looking for - if someone has asked the question you need.

There is also the article in the KnowledgeBase titled Choosing the Correct Revelation Network Product for your Network that is only a few months old. An older document that is in the process of being revised is the more detailed Network Product Support Matrix. Expect to see the revision posted within two weeks.

Hope it helps,


At 18 OCT 2004 03:12PM Jim Dierking wrote:

Thanks Kevin, The document, Choosing the Correct Revelation Network Product for your Network, was helpful.

Can you tell me whether XP or Win2k is preferable as a workstation?

Or is Win98SR2 compatible with the Universal Driver?

Are there any client issues once you've upgraded to Novell6.5 and are using the Universal Driver?

TIA, Jim

At 18 OCT 2004 05:23PM Kevin Revelation Software wrote:


In what I see, W2K is faster than XP as a general rule. I see that in the benchmarks for both Netware and Windows. It may change eventually, but for now, I suggest W2K.

Win98 is not compatible with the Universal Driver.

The Universal Driver with Netware 6.5 works and I have not seen any connectivity problems with the Netware Clients, but numerous people have had slowness issues using the 4.9 sp2 client - esp with XP and Arev. 4.8.3 SP2 seems to be the preferred client.

Hope it helps.


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