Multi row select in edittable (OpenInsight Specific)
At 15 NOV 2001 06:59:04PM b cameron wrote:
I have looked up the style property and have got the code for
set_table_multiselect but can't seem to get it to work.
The table has 4 columns. Col 1 is hidden
1,2,3 are protected. 4 is edittable and
the More-]protected is on. (I don't want insert or delete enabled).
I would like to be able to allow the user to select multi rows
by dragging the mouse then click a button which will interrogate
the selected rows and perform some updating.
I think some ducks are out of line… help?
At 16 NOV 2001 03:36AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
You realise that mouse drag is not directly exposed by PS - however the edittable does allow this functionality. The following code works for us :-
winStyle=.table_1-] style
winStyle=iconv( winStyle3,\00\, "MX" )
winStyle=bitOr( winStyle, 512 )
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 16 NOV 2001 04:29AM Colin Rule wrote:
I have had it working previously, but you have to drag the row markers on the left to select the rows.
I will see if I can find my code and advise.
At 16 NOV 2001 09:41AM b cameron wrote:
Still no go. I tried the sprezz code also.
Are there and caveats (is that 's or s') ?
I have this code in the create event of the window.
Now no highlighting of rows is happening.
Is there example code in the sysproc MSG ? Line#'s ?
Thanks for the responses.
At 16 NOV 2001 12:09PM b cameron wrote:
After some digging and a call (thanks BC); I hadn't
realized you needed to get the structure, destroy and recreate.
Well I've got it working with the row buttons.
I would like it to function within the table however.
At least I can move on… Thanks
At 16 NOV 2001 01:31PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Ermm this just works for us regardless of where we put it without a create and destroy, we can even put it on a button and change default behaviour on the fly.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 16 NOV 2001 01:41PM b cameron wrote:
Hmmm or rather ermmm is right… I tried your code and 'nuttin'… I would rather
use it, it's clean and simple.
Also mine only works with row buttons and I don't have source for MSG_SUB to see what the differences may be.
At 16 NOV 2001 03:55PM Oystein Reigem wrote:
I had a problem once where I couldn't get multi-select to work the way I wanted. I had to hold down the Shift key while selecting, and I didn't want that. I recall trying with single clicks, but don't remember if I tried dragging.
It could be a different problem from yours, of course. But try the Shift key and see if you get a different result.
To get rid of the problem I had to use System editor and edit the column styles in the form's SYSREPOSWINS or SYSREPOSWINEXES row. See . I'll see if I can dig out the details.
- Oystein -
At 16 NOV 2001 05:05PM Oystein Reigem wrote:
This thread tells more about my multi-select problem: .
The problem disappeared when I made sure the 4=editable style was set. But as I said before I had to do this by editing the SYSREPOSWINS or SYSREPOSWINEXES row with System Editor.
Tell me if you want more explanation.
- Oystein -
At 16 NOV 2001 07:14PM b cameron wrote:
I would like more… here is what I am doing now in the create event.
I'm not sure if I have to add more or not. It works with pushing the buttons but now you can't hilight a row without pushing the button.
ostruct=Get_Property(ControlId, "ORIG_STRUCT")
Call Utility("DESTROY",ControlId)
if Style 1,2 _eqc "0x" then
convert to in Styleend
Style=iconv(Style 3,99, "MX")
Style=bitor(Style, 512)
Call Utility("CREATE",ostruct)
At 16 NOV 2001 08:04PM Oystein Reigem wrote:
I don't destroy and recreate. I don't know if it matters.
Take System Editor and open your form's SYSREPOSWINS row. Find the entry for your edit table.
Here's the entry for a 3 column multi-select edit table of mine. (The edit table's name is "LIST", the form's name is "LISTE_CHILD".) I have highlighted the style settings:
0x508021c0 0x0 2
0 MS Sans Serif
0 0
] ]
] ]
] 0
0 0x0 0x0
200 3 0 261 261 261 40
500 Nr
What have you got in your edit table's style settings?
If by chance any of them are 257, try and change them to 261. Then save and close the row, and recompile the form with Form Designer.
BUT DO IT ON A COPY OF THE FORM, NOT THE ORIGINAL. Or is that enough? Better do it in a copy of your system.
- Oystein -
PS. It's bedtime around these parts now, but I'll check the list tomorrow.
At 16 NOV 2001 08:18PM Oystein Reigem wrote:
Latest idea: When in your CREATE handler you destroy and recreate the edit table you get its original structure, change a part of the structure (to be more precise you set the "512-bit" of the style), and use the changed structure for the new version of the edit table. If your problem really is the same as mine, perhaps it can be solved by changing other parts of the structure at the same time - the column styles, wherever in the structure they might be. My theory is it helps if the column styles have their "4-bit" set.
- Oystein -
At 17 NOV 2001 11:40AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
Please tell me: Do we have the same problem or not?
My problem is not getting an edit table to become multi-select. I don't think I ever had any problems with that. My problem is with the way one has to click or drag when one wants to select multiple rows. Very often in a multi-select edit table one has to either use the row buttons, or, if one wants to click or drag in the cells, hold down the Shift button while one does it. I want to do multiple selects with plain (un-shifted) clicking/dragging in the cells. Because using the Shift button is awkward and unnatural. And because my edit tables often have no row buttons.
Is this your problem too?
Once I had this problem I managed to get rid of it by doctoring the column styles in the SYSREPOSWINS or SYSREPOSWINEXES row of the form, like I described in my postings yesterday. But I was never happy with the solution, so when your postings reminded me of the problem I decided to look at it again. Yesterday I was certain the problem had to do with one particular bit in the column styles. My earlier extensive experiments told me so. Today I've looked at more examples and my theory seems to crunble.
- Oystein -
At 19 NOV 2001 09:22AM b cameron wrote:
Yes, it works if the user clicks the row buttons, holds down and drags
down the row buttons.
The thing is that the row that has focus is not lit but when returning the selected items it will be included.
I guess I don't fully understand the style property values from the doc. Do I have to set more than one value? Do I have to do each column? How is this laid out?
Thanks for all your responses.
At 19 NOV 2001 10:29AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
Yes, it works if the user clicks the row buttons, holds down and drags down the row buttons.
The thing is that the row that has focus is not lit but when returning the selected items it will be included.
When you say "the row that has focus" I assume you mean the one containing the current cell - the one which has got a dotted line around it.
While the selected rows, on the other hand, are blue, with depressed buttons.
The current cell (focus) may or may not be in one of the selected lines.
The SELPOS property of the edit table should only include the selected lines. But you say that even when focus is in a line not selected, the focus line is also included in the selection, i.e, is included in the SELPOS property of the edit table?
I have two or three multi-select edit tables that I actually use in an app, but I've never seen that problem.
What exactly are your settings for the edit table (the ones you do in Form Designer)?
I guess I don't fully understand the style property values from the doc. Do I have to set more than one value? Do I have to do each column?
That was my theory for the solution of my own problem, a theory I've laid to rest. That I could change some other style bits - the ones for each edit table column - to avoid having to Shift-click or click the buttons instead of the cells.
How is this laid out?
I guess you can glimpse the layout from the edit table's entry in the SYSREPOSWINEXES row. If you really need to know Sprezzatura sell some documentation. (Which I haven't got.)
- Oystein -