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At 23 MAY 2000 05:33:28PM Michael Slack wrote:

I'm working on an Arev 3.12 application. I've created a window and want to access the SYSWINDOWS ASCII_CHART window from the option on a given prompt within my window. I've tried everything I can think of or find and still no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The system window I want to use is the same one that you get when you are at TCL or in edit mode and do a CTRL-S and select the "ASCII table" from the popup. I want to select an ascii character from the window and have it put to my prompt (just like it does when I'm using the window thru TCL or edit mode).

Thnak you,

Michael Slack

At 23 MAY 2000 06:11PM Bill Titus wrote:


You'll need a little program to get it to work for you.



* PSEUDO returns with decimal value of selected character


I assume you will limit the selections to a range that doesn't include decimal values 0-27 or 250 to 255, inclusive.


At 23 MAY 2000 06:12PM Larry Wilson - TARDIS Systems, Inc. wrote:

At the OPTIONS option in the prompt, use a code/command of:

Code Command


At 23 MAY 2000 06:17PM Larry Wilson - TARDIS Systems, Inc. wrote:

If he wanted to capture more than one character for the prompt, he could do what you suggest in a loop, or he could do the RWSUBS thing in a loop, but I would suggest doing what RTI does in RWSUBS for the output conversion to the actual character:


This makes sure you don't embed control characters that could cause a problem.

At 23 MAY 2000 07:12PM Bill Titus wrote:


You've exposed one of the weaknesses of the self-taught programmer. I'm pretty much limited to the explanations offered in the documentation for how things work, along with whatever information I can mine from the Revelation community.

I can only guess what MIN, MAX, and RWSUBS do because they aren't described in my 3.12 R/Basic docmentation. Has anyone assembled an index of functions and subroutines describing their purpose and required parameters (data plus format)?

In your debt,


At 23 MAY 2000 07:14PM Larry Wilson - TARDIS Systems, Inc. wrote:


Andrew's (Sprezz) old REVMEDIA publication was a great source of info for those types of subroutines.  I think he now has them available on disk.  


At 23 MAY 2000 07:29PM Bill Titus wrote:

RevMedia. Right on the money. Thanks, Larry.

At 24 MAY 2000 10:13AM Michael Slack wrote:

Thank you for your help. Your suggestions got me going in the right direction.


Michael Slack

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