A problem with Print (OpenInsight Specific)
At 26 JUL 2001 04:32:08PM Ines wrote:
I´m traing to make some reports who need diferents fonts.
In orther to do it, I use escape codes, but all scape codes are printed at the begining of the file and all the report is printed with the last font.
The code´s struct I'm using is like…
Print On
Print escape codePrint xxxxx.......Print escape codePrint xxxxx...…
Print Off
I need help!
At 26 JUL 2001 10:04PM Scott, LMS wrote:
Sounds like the main cure would be OIPI, which lets you have any font you want.
At 27 JUL 2001 05:15AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
For explanations and solutions (OIPI and S/List) see responses to .
- Oystein -