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At 13 APR 1999 10:33:16PM brian wick wrote:


using the right click thru winmsg does not give focus in the cell

where the right click was pressed. i have to left click first then

right click which is cumbersome. any suggestions ?

also trying to use a left click mouse down and drag to select cells

in an edittable. (similar to excel). any way to do this in oi

edittables ?

tx for any help.

At 13 APR 1999 11:48PM Don Bakke wrote:


We have a utility that will return what edittable cell your mouse is floating over. You can use this information to set the SELPOS or whatever. You can write your own if you are interested in working with various Win API commands. Otherwise, e-mail me if your are interested in acquiring ours.

SRP Computer Solutions

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